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  • Women’s Health


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  • Women’s Health

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  • Women’s Health


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  • Men’s Health

    Age 40+

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  • Men’s Health

    Age 20-40

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Supporting Your Whole Health


Nurturing the body’s ability to function and perform at a more optimal level, reducing the risk of disease and promoting longevity through all areas of health that relate to physical aspects of the body including nutrition, exercise, sleep and more.


The ability to identify feelings, manage stress and express emotions constructively, resulting in a personal sense of well-being and fostering healthy relationships.


Encompasses all aspects of brain function to improve motor skills, cognition, intelligence and memory.


Cultivating meaning and purpose with one’s path in life while creating a deeper bond with one's chosen personal experience of a higher power.

Available at these grocers and wellness centers

"It's not often that a natural products company has the level of commitment to research that I see from Symphony Natural Health. Their double blind, randomized trials on Femmenessence in early postmenopausal women showed not only significant symptom relief, but the impact on serum estradiol and FSH levels, and even an influence on markers of bone turnover. The implications for women's health are considerable and I have experienced positive results with my patients."*

Dr. Tori Hudson

Clinical Professor–NCNM, Sonoran, Bastyr and Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine; Author of the Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Meet our medical team

  • Dr. Deanna Minich

    Ph.D., Nutrition Scientist

  • Dr. Wendy Warner


  • Dr. Tori Hudson

    Naturopathic Doctor

  • Dr. Kim Ross

    Doctor in Clinical Nutrition

  • Dr. Mona Fahoum

    Naturopathic Doctor

  • Dr. Corey Schuler

    Nurse Practitioner & Nutritionist

  • Jan Roberts

    Pharmacist & Clinical Nutritionist

  • Dr. Marc Sklar

    Fertility Expert

  • Dr. Catherine Darley

    Naturopathic Doctor