The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, or “ORAC score” is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements.
Independent laboratory analysis on Herbatonin demonstrated that it could have up to 958% stronger antioxidant potential and free radical scavenging capacity as compared to synthetic melatonin.*
DPPH is another method used to measure the antioxidant potential by analyzing the capacity to scavenge free radicals.
In vitro research on Herbatonin demonstrated that it could have up to 470% stronger antioxidant potential and free radical scavenging capacity as compared to synthetic melatonin.*
For our full research go to our publication at PubMed in Molecules. 2021 Oct; 26(19): 6087. Titled: Is Phytomelatonin Complex Better Than Synthetic Melatonin? The Assessment of the Antiradical and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
COX-2 is an enzyme responsible for inflammation, swelling and resulting pain.
Melatonin acts as a COX-2 inhibitor, reducing its production and thus inflammation, swelling and potential pain.
In vitro research on Herbatonin demonstrated that it could have up to 640% greater ability to reduce COX-2 enzyme activity as compared to synthetic melatonin.*
For our full research go to our publication at Molecules. 2021 Oct; 26(19): 6087. Titled: Is Phytomelatonin Complex Better Than Synthetic Melatonin? The Assessment of the Antiradical and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are by products of cellular metabolism. Overproduction of ROS is associated with cellular, mitochondrial and DNA damage as well as the development of various human diseases, inflammation, and aging.
Higher ROS levels = higher cell damage.
In vitro research on Herbatonin demonstrated that it could have up to 100% great ability to reduce ROS cell damage as compared to synthetic melatonin.* For our full research go to our publication on PubMed at Molecules. 2021 Oct; 26(19): 6087. Titled: Is Phytomelatonin Complex Better Than Synthetic Melatonin? The Assessment of the Antiradical and Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Herbatonin demonstrated up to 950% stronger antioxidant potential as compared to synthetic melatonin according to ORAC.
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Herbatonin demonstrated up to 470% stronger antioxidant potential as compared to synthetic melatonin according to DPPH.
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Herbatonin demonstrated up to 640% greater ability to reduce COX-2 enzyme activity as compared to synthetic melatonin.
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Herbatonin demonstrated up to 100% greater ability to reduce ROS cell damage as compared to synthetic melatonin.
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There are at least three different sources of melatonin. This supplement is derived from animal, synthetic, or plant sources. Each can dramatically impact their effectiveness and even safety.
Learn MoreUnderstand the sources of melatonin and how to ensure you select a quality product. Melatonin, Phyto-Melatonin, Circadian Rhythm, Biodiversity, Melatonin Dosage, Consumer Lab, Plant Melatonin
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