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Original Himalayan Crystal Salt
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is this fair trade certified?

A. Symphony Natural Health has worked in third world countries for fifteen years, starting in Vanuatu, Peru and then Pakistan. During that time we have seen the huge benefit trade can have to those communities, but have also seen the even greater results that creating industries can have. Many companies around the world engage in fair trade, which we believe is a terrific program where companies ensure that workers are being treated appropriately, are being paid a fair wage and not being exploited. Generally those companies will pay an extra 20% to farmers or suppliers in those countries to support the program. And to be fair for many companies that is as much as they can do. They do not have the resources or connections to establish infrastructure or businesses locally in these sometimes dangerous third world countries. However, in practicality the are inherent issues with fair trade (of which there are too many and too much detail to discuss here) but one fundamental issue which we have seen is that unfortunately most of the goods sold under fair trade currently are just commodities such as sugar and coffee. They are not value-added goods but low cost items which are exported to other countries where they are value-added. This is the same for Himalayan Crystal Salt where apart from the cheap imitation pink salt from other countries, even some Himalayan Crystal Salt from Pakistan can be acquired extremely cheaply from companies that do not look at fair wages, established quality control processes from mining by hand (without explosives), to sorting, cleaning and packaging to ensure the process does not impact the vibration or energy and results in the highest quality product.

Instead of simply exporting Original Himalayan Crystal Salt in bulk around the world we established a joint venture with the local people where we engage in the whole process mentioned above. This means that Symphony Natural Health pays to the local community and our joint venture partner approximately ten times what we would pay if we bought it from one of the other suppliers of Himalayan Salt that do not engage in the same quality control, cleaning and packing. To put that into perspective say SNH spends $1M on Original Himalayan Crystal Salt per year, if we bought it from another supplier it would only cost us $100,000 and if they were to be fair trade $120,000. As you can see creating industry, year-round employment, safe and fair working conditions and the highest in quality control and value adding locally results in a huge benefit for the local community. Due to our economies of scale, apart from the initial investment, actually creates savings for us as a company per unit over the long term. This demonstrates what we believe is how true globalization should work to benefit all communities.

Q. Are there any negative side-effects when drinking Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole (so-lay) regularly over a long period of time?

A. One teaspoon of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole contains approximately 478mg of sodium. This very small amount of salt has an incredibly positive effect on your whole body, and normally, does not cause any danger even when taken regularly. But be careful about using commercial table salt. Doctors recommend a daily intake of about 6-8 grams of salt, depending on your body weight. Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® can be more readily metabolized by the body than refined table salt. This is the reason that it should also be used for seasoning your food and for all your cooking and baking needs. An exception to this rule is when the kidneys are not functioning properly. When in doubt, one should consult with a doctor.

Q. There was a lot of press about Himalayan Crystal Salt having too much fluoride. Is that true?

A. First, that article was posted by sellers of other types of salt which they claim had lower levels. Secondly we cannot comment on all sources of Himalayan Crystal Salt but we can state that Original Himalayan Crystal Salt is completely safe and has less than 1ppm see here for the certificate of analysis we did in 2008 when these articles came out trying to scare customers. To give you an idea of how much 1ppm is, below are a number of foods and the amounts of fluoride found in each of them…[YUN1] 

Q. After taking the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole on an empty stomach you recommend not to drink any coffee. Does this also apply to black teas, green teas or herb teas?

A. Black teas and green teas are acidic like coffee and have strong diuretic effects. The best thing to do is to drink an herbal tea at least 30 minutes after the sole.


Q. Can I use the same 1% sole solution for washing my eyes more than one time?

A. Never. The 1% sole solution is also an ideal foundation for bacteria. After an eye bath, you will find many bacteria in your solution. Therefore, only use the solution once. A 1% solution doesn’t require much salt.


Q. How many times can one heat or freeze the salt sachet?

A. The sachet can be used indefinitely because the salt does not loose its energy.


Q. How much Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® should I put in my body each day?

A. The human body needs only as little as 500mg of sodium per day or 1/4 teaspoon of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt®. The USDA recommends no more than 2,500mg per day. Rather, we tend to use too much salt than too little as the average American uses more than 5,000mg per day. As opposed to refined table salt, you can use Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® more freely because of its holistic properties which make it easy for the body to assimilate. The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® can even help the body to eliminate the stored refined salt deposits. The daily need for crystal salt varies from person to person. Season your food to taste as you like. Contrary to refined table salts, you can use the crystal salt freely. With the recommended one teaspoon of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® sole every morning, you are not only receiving the biophysical aspect of the salt, which is the frequency pattern of the crystal salt, but also the biochemical aspect of the salt, containing sufficient minerals and trace elements. The body will hold the frequency pattern of the crystal salt sole for 24 hours. Therefore, we only take the sole once per day on an empty stomach. Patients on dialysis, or with high blood pressure, should generally use very little salt.


Q. I am wondering, what would be the effects of taking the sole when pregnant if any? I guess is it safe for someone who is less than three months to start taking the sole now and throughout the pregnancy? I couldn't find anything pertaining to this in the book, could you please advise?

A. Unless your doctor has told you to eliminate salt from your diet, there’s no reason to have any apprehensions about taking a teaspoon of Sole each day. It’s mostly the sodium that doctors warn patients about. The average American adult consumes about 5,000mg of sodium daily, derived from processed, poisonous salt. The USDA recommends no more than 2,500mg per day of sodium. Based on these facts, most Americans are using excessive amounts of sodium.

One teaspoon of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole contains about 478mg of unprocessed, natural sodium. The USDA also states that the body absolutely requires a minimum of 500mg of sodium per day just to live. Sodium is fundamental to our very existence. In fact, we could not live without it. So when choosing your source of sodium for your daily need, I believe that you’re wise in choosing to take the Sole each day.

The effect of the Sole will be that your body will have balanced energy, the perfect foundation for keeping your body at its maximum level of energy necessary to carry you through your pregnancy. It’s better to have natural sodium with its 84 minerals and trace elements running through your veins and the forming veins of your baby than a harmful, processed salt.

Did you know that the blood in your body is composed of a 3% Sole solution? And, that the same 84 minerals that are in Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® are found in your bloodstream? This is the salt that our body recognizes and accepts as a vital source of energy – Life Force – and Consciousness.

Just remember, more is not better. Stay with the 1 teaspoon of Sole each day and also use the salt for all your cooking and food seasoning needs. Try to keep your salt intake within the recommended doses and your body will be operating at its peak.


Q. Can the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole solution go bad? How should it be stored?

A. The sole can be kept indefinitely. It will never go bad. It can be kept anywhere. It doesn’t have to be refrigerated nor kept in the dark. However, it is recommended to keep it in a closed container to keep it free from dust and other airborne particles.


Q. Regarding floatation therapy, are there any circumstances when someone should not do a floatation tank?

A. Anyone suffering from a contagious disease and people with open sores or wounds should not use a floatation tank. Small cuts and abrasions will only burn a bit in the beginning. People suffering with epilepsy or a disturbed mental system should only float under supervision. Also, patients with severe heart problems should avoid this therapy.


Q. One can often find reddish deposits at the bottom of the container of the concentrated Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole solution. What is this?

A. Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® is a natural product and subject to changes in concentration of its elements held within the crystalline structure. Not all minerals are represented in a 100% ionized form. These deposits represent minerals that were not included in the geometric matrix of the salt crystal. These minerals are in an inorganic form which fall to the bottom of the container when the salt crystal dissolves. The deposits are totally harmless.


Q. Can I use a higher concentration of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole solution than 1% for frequent hand and foot bathing?

A. Yes, you can. However, if there are open wounds, one should always prepare a fresh solution. It’s also possible to warm it to body temperature, 98.6 F.


Q. Is my daily sole intake dependent on my body weight?

A. The recommended one teaspoon of sole solution per day is a general guideline for adults which can be adjusted a bit according to one’s own feeling. It’s not a question of “more is better,” but rather the intake of the frequency pattern of the sole that is important. One drop of the sole would be sufficient. With the teaspoon, you will also cover all the necessary minerals and trace elements from a vibration standpoint. For children, a few drops are sufficient.


Q. Can I also take the one teaspoon of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole concentrate undiluted, without adding it to a glass of water?

A. Yes, you can also take one teaspoon of the concentrated sole undiluted. However, you should drink a glass of water directly after taking the concentrated sole.


Q. Can the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® also be given to animals?

A. Just as with humans, the natural crystal salt will have its positive effect on the animal body. A few drops in your pet's food will increase the vitality and strengthen the immune system of your pet or animal.


Q. Can I use the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole therapy along with my fasting?

A. The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole therapy is a good complement to fasting. It helps to eliminate the toxins and also provides vitality and support to the body as it labors to rid itself of toxins. Just be sure to drink sufficient amounts of water while fasting.


Q. Does coffee have a negative impact on the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole therapy?

A. One of the primary benefits of drinking the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole in the morning is the balancing of the body’s pH level. Coffee is very acidic and a known diuretic. By drinking coffee in the morning you will partly cancel out the benefit of the Sole. Everyone has a different disposition and tolerates poisons more or less. Everyone has to make their own decision as to how they treat their body.


Q. Can I drink the Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® Sole in the evening instead of in the morning?

A. The benefits of the Sole therapy are best realized when taken on an empty stomach. You can also do the Sole therapy in the evening but you should keep this rhythm as the body maintains the frequency pattern of the salt for 24 hours.


Q. I have very severe varicose veins. My doctor has told me to avoid warm bathing. Does this also apply to crystal salt bathing?

A. By all means, you should adhere to your doctor’s recommendation. Warm bathwater causes vascular expansion. This is also the case with a crystal salt bath.


Q. Which pH factor should a good drinking water possess?

A. The pH factor should be close to neutral (7). Any pH between 6.5 and 7.5 is good. Remember, 1 is very acidic and 14 is extremely alkaline.


Q. Does an acrylic salt mill harm the quality of the salt?

A. Only salt mills and grinders having metal grinding mechanisms will cause a reaction with the salt. Ceramic mills and grinders are recommended.