Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle Guidelines for Hormone Balance

Provided by Kim Ross, MS, CNS, CDN, IMFCP and Jan Roberts B. Pharm (Hons) Dip. Clinical Nutrition

Dietary Tips

✓ Begin the day with 1 teaspoon of “sole” therapy solution in 8 ounces of pure, clean water. This will aid in cellular hydration, electrolyte balance, and support a healthy pH.

✓ Eliminate suspected food allergens/sensitivities; blood tests for IgG and IgE antibodies may be useful or elimination diet. Alternatively, a trial of therapy (2-3 weeks) of a gluten-free, casein-free (GFCF) diet would be optional. The additional restriction of sugar, can offer further benefits.

✓ A “Paleo” style food plan is favorable for hormones, weight management and other health concerns. Some features of this food plan include:

  • Choose organic vegetables whenever possible
  • If meat is eaten, choose grass-fed, free of hormones and antibiotics
  • Choose wild-caught fish over farm-raised fish
  • Whole grains can be measured in bites, if restriction is difficult. 7-10 bites per meal for most; some can tolerate more while others cannot tolerate grains. It is ideal to choose gluten free grains when you if you do consume grains. On a true Paleo style food plan, grains are eliminated.
  • Consume plenty of cruciferous vegetables daily. This includes broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbages, kale and others. These vegetables aid in your body’s detoxification process, which is very important in managing hormones as well as to reduce the toxic exposure we all face in today’s world.
  • Consume healthy fats and oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, olives, and avocados daily. Your body needs fat (and protein) to make hormones. Healthy fats are also integral to weight loss/ management.
  • Avoid or reduce processed foods, saturated fats, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and animal dairy products
  • Drink 64-80 oz. of purified water everyday. Invest in a quality filter- avoid bottled water.


✓ Movement after meals supports cortisol and insulin balance; short, brisk walks may be adequate for this purpose.

✓ High-intensity, interval training (HIIT) that includes some resistance training. Supports, maintains, and may increase muscle mass. Supports the balance of insulin and cortisol and may stimulate growth hormone. Useful to support bone health by stimulating osteoblastic behavior. Muscle building/strength building exercises are away to switch your metabolism into a higher gear.

✓ Cardiovascular activity is also helpful and can be utilized using high-intensity, interval training as compared to long, slow distance.

  • 20-40 minutes is often enough to support neuroendocrine function.

✓ 4-7 sessions per week are recommended and often necessary to regain balance. A variety of exercise becomes even more important as frequency increases. You should be prepared to change routines every 12 weeks or more often.

✓ Improve Flexibility by stretching for 5-10 minutes daily.

Stress Management

✓ Engage in a regular, daily stress management routine which can include guided imagery, belly breathing/deep breathing, journaling (i.e. a Gratitude Journal), yoga, meditation, Sole baths, reading, time in nature and others. While you may not be able to delete stress from your life, the way in which you deal with the stress can be changed.

✓ Massage or physical touch is a key factor for maintaining hormonal health. Oxytocin, which stimulates growth hormone, is released during orgasm, labor and breastfeeding, but also through safe touch, such as massage. Additionally, sexual activity is important and it is recommended that men and women have physical, sexual intimacy at least once per week to keep hormone levels active.


✓ Poor sleep patterns make you more prone to gain and retain weight, so sleep in a cool, completely darkened room and ensure no electronic devices in the bedroom.

✓ Disconnect from electronic devices 1-2 hours before your desired bedtime.

✓ Regular exercise can also promote better sleep.

✓ The goal is to achieve 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

✓ Understand your sleep patterns and what additional support may be beneficial. Our Medical Team can provide assistance.

  • Trouble falling asleep and staying asleep?
  • Waking between 2-4 am each morning and can’t get back to sleep?
  • A racing mind inhibits your ability to fall asleep?
  • Hot flashes or night sweats are disrupting your sleep?

Other tips

✓ Support a healthy digestive tract with the use of a quality probiotic. If needed use digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid or other digestive supporting supplements to improve the digestion, absorption and metabolism of the food you consume.

  • Good gut health supports detoxification, weight management, hormone balance and mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • Have at least one bowel movement daily. If needed, use supplemental support to help with this. Increasing water and fiber intake is the best place to start. Magnesium citrate can be used to help relieve occasional constipation.

✓ Replenish nutrients (that may be insufficient or deficient) through food or supplementation.

✓ Ensure Vitamin D status. Get appropriate unprotected sun exposure whenever possible, or supplements with vitamin D as needed

✓ Decrease your toxic load:

  • Support your body’s ability to detoxify the harmful substances you come in contact with on a daily basis by eating cruciferous vegetables, using pH Quintessence and consuming 64-80 oz. of water daily.
  • Use glass, ceramic or stainless steel containers to store and heat food o Choose personal products (make up, hair products, lotions, toothpaste, etc.) that are free of harmful toxins.
  • Keep plants in your home and office to clean your air naturally.
  • Choose household cleaning items that are natural and free of fragrances.
  • Reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation – keep cells phones out of pockets, tablets and laptops out of laps, unplug wireless connection at night.