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What makes Femmenessence Different From Other Maca?

Grown high in the Andes in Peru, maca is an ancient solution with a safe history spanning over 2,000 years.

But there are many varieties of maca and you'll be surprised to discover that most off-the-shelf, standard maca works best for men.



What makes Femmenessence Different From Other Maca?

Grown high in the Andes in Peru, maca is an ancient solution with a safe history spanning over 2,000 years.

But there are many varieties of maca and you'll be surprised to discover that most off-the-shelf, standard maca works best for men.


In fact, there are 13 different types of maca.

Each has a different color, DNA, and active ingredient amounts. Most important, each type of maca does something different.

For example, one type of maca affects fertility in men... but a different type affects fertility in women. One type affects prostate health and none of the others do.

The truth is, the wrong type of maca can be harmful to your health.

Standard maca powders bypass your hypothalamus gland and only focus on adrenal health... so while you might have more energy for a little while, you've actually been lulled into a false sense of security thinking everything else is getting better when it's not. In fact, for certain conditions like hair loss, acne and hormone balance... standard maca powders can make it worse!

Femmenessence is actually the only natural, herbal product that has ever demonstrated statistically significant effects on hormones in clinical trials, in women of all ages. A lot of companies make claims but Femmenessence is backed by our own published clinical trials. You can trust it will work for you.

Plus, some companies try to keep costs really low by adding fillers like millet powder, flour and daisy. Or get cheaper maca from another country that may be full of pesticides, bacteria, yeast, heavy metals, mold or just be much lower quality!

The Maca-GO® in Femmenessence is:

  • Organic and Kosher Certified
  • Vegan
  • Contains no Chemicals, Gluten, Soy, Dairy, Preservatives or Additives
  • And is concentrated and standardized so you know what you're getting and that it works!


In addition to that, Femmenessence has a much higher concentration and bio-availability than raw maca.

Even the packaging has been carefully developed to ensure that what's inside each capsule is as powerful as promised.

Every capsule is packaged in an oxygen barrier blister pack because a stability analysis has shown how oxygen and moisture can damage the active ingredients in maca when stored in bags or bottles.